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Most teenagers do not get enough sleep as it is, and starting school before 8 a.m. 会影响他们的自然睡眠周期吗. 研究 shows they do better in school if they have later start times. 儿科医生 辛迪·盖尔纳,医学博士, talks about why this is and how you can get involved to delay the start time of your teenager’s school day so she can be more alert in class.

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    我经常听到青少年和中学生说, “我真的不想早上起床去上学," or they are getting late to school and then they are getting notices about being in truancy because they are tardy all the time. 这并不完全是他们的错. Studies show that adolescents who don't get enough sleep often suffer from physical and mental health problems and a decline in academic performance.

    他们并不是真的要这么累, but their body just isn't ready to wake up at such an early time. Getting enough sleep is hard for a teen whose natural sleep cycle makes it difficult for them to fall asleep before 11 p.m. and who faces a first-period class at 7:30 or earlier the next day.


    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that middle and high schools delay the start of classes till 8:30 a.m. 或晚. Doing so will align school schedules with the biological sleep rhythms of adolescents whose sleep cycles begin to shift up to two hours later at the start of puberty.

    Adolescents who get enough sleep have a reduced risk of being overweight and suffering depression as well. They are less likely to be involved in automobile accidents because they are well-rested while driving, 而且他们的成绩更好, 更高的标准化考试成绩, 以及更好的整体生活质量.

    Studies have shown that delaying early school start times is one key factor that can help adolescents get the sleep they need to grow and learn. Many studies have shown that the average teen in the United States is chronically sleep-deprived. The National Sleep Foundation found that almost 60% of 6th through 8th graders and almost 90% of high school students in the United States get less than the recommended eight and a half to nine and a half hours of sleep on school nights.


    青少年缺乏睡眠的原因很复杂. 有家庭作业. 有课外活动. Some kids when they are older, have after-school jobs, and then don't forget the use of technology. Kids will stay up and play on their smartphones or tablets or the computer way past their bedtime. 儿科医生s should recommend to parents and teens that they have healthy sleep habits, including enforcing a media curfew as to when to turn all those electronics off.

    Evidence strongly suggests that a too-early start to the school day is a critical contributor to chronic sleep deprivation. About 40% of high schools in the United States currently have a start time before 8:00 in the morning. 只有15%的人在8:30或更晚才开始工作. 中学大多在早上8点左右开始上课, and more than 20% of middle schools in the United States start at 7:45 or even earlier.

    Napping and extending sleep on the weekends and using caffeine can temporarily counteract sleepiness, 但它们并不能恢复身体的最佳警觉性, 而且它们不能代替良好的睡眠.


    As pediatricians, we in the American Academy of Pediatrics have gotten involved with this effort. By advocating f或晚 school start times for middle and high school students, the American Academy of Pediatrics is promoting the compelling scientific evidence that supports schools' start times being delayed as an important public health measure.

    We also are trying to provide support and encouragement to the school districts around the country who are thinking about making that change. 作为父母, you too can talk to your schools and get them to understand what your teen needs in terms of start times and help your child get the best education they can.

